Are Beauty Pageants Exploitative Essay Example

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Are Beauty Pageants Exploitative Essay Example

2023-04-04 21:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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For children, it is said that it boosts self-confidence and the children have fun doing it. Is applying a lot of makeup and dressing half-naked as they walk down the runway and hear their names being shouted really add any confidence? Dressing skimpily brings out a false image of female sexuality as they think dressing half the body naked shows that one is admired by many girls. It has however led to moral decadency and the girl child no longer dresses appropriately on most occasions. No one will be blamed if they said that this dressing half-naked is one of the major contributors to many cases of sexual abuse.

All the expenses in being a model are catered for by the parents and instead of concentrating on buying things that can help nurture the child, all that is bought are things that can’t help in the future. Most pageants have bikinis and body beautiful rounds where contestants are judged according to their perfect bodies. The image of tall models that are always perfect, ever-smiling on their faces, even while wearing very tall high heels that are resulting in sprains is agonizing. Girls experimenting with their diets to acquire a slim body shape are very challenging and in a situation where their dieting fails, they suffer from depression and psychological illnesses.

Others result in extreme measures like plastic surgeries and even diet drugs to lose weight. This makes the girls involved in this not to accept themselves the way they are. Imagine a world where everyone had a slim body? There should be diversity where all cultures are embraced. Big, small, plump, and slim. If beauty pageants are that inspiration to them, they can prepare for it accompanied with a healthy attitude and the motivation to take the experience and develop it into something admirable.

Aspiring to be in beauty pageants is not wrong. But these pageants are supposed to promote intercultural relationships and more so, they are supposed to encourage the contestants into building a confident and all-around personality. Attractiveness should not only be skin deep but should involve categories of talent and the charisma to be appealing in public speaking.

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